Back Pain: Facts vs. Fiction!

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Back Pain

By Dr. Pavan H M

Back Pain: Facts vs. Fiction!

Back pain is a problem, in India impacting individuals of ages ranging from laborers to office workers.

Regrettably there exists an amount of information circulating.

As a surgeon with expertise, in health I aim to dispel these misunderstandings and provide useful guidance on managing pain.

Misconception #1:Rest is Always the Best Solution

Reality: While resting can be beneficial initially for pain prolonged bed rest may not be the most effective approach. Current research suggests that staying active soon as possible can aid in improving blood circulation supporting healing and reducing muscle tightness.

Misconception #2: Immediate Need for X Ray or MRI

Reality: Imaging tests like X rays or MRIs are usually unnecessary unless there are symptoms such as leg weakness, numbness, or issues, with bladder or bowel function. In cases of back pain conservative management typically leads to improvement within a few weeks.

Myth #3: If You Once Hurt Your Back, It Will Always Stay

Truth: It doesn’t stem from a single incident of strain but rather, from continuous strain, bad posture, lack of activity or a mix of factors. This means you have the power to make changes and actively enhance the health of your back!

Myth #4: Pain Indicates Serious Damage

Truth: This is not often the case! Pain is influenced by factors beyond physical damage. Sometimes without structural issues, pain can be intense. That’s why it’s crucial to consult with a doctor to identify the cause of your pain.

Myth #5: Surgery Is the Sole Solution for term Back Pain

Truth: Surgery is only considered for a portion of back pain cases typically after trying other noninvasive treatments. In instances creating a plan involving therapy, strength building exercises and lifestyle adjustments can effectively manage chronic pain and enhance overall well-being.

Common Triggers of Pain: Let’s Get Specific.

  1. Muscle Strain: This type of pain is often caused by stretching or putting pressure on a muscle. It usually gets better within a day’s to weeks.
  2. Degenerative Disc Disease: Our spinal discs act as shock absorbers between the vertebrae. As we age these discs can wear down sometimes leading to pain.
  3. Herniated Disc: When the soft gel inside a disc bulges out it can irritate nerves resulting in pain, numbness, or tingling sensations.
  4. Spinal Stenosis: This condition involves narrowing of the canal due to age related changes, which can put pressure on nerves and worsen when walking.
  5. Poor Posture: Slouching or hunching over can strain back muscles and joints over time leading to pain.

What You Can Do for Relief:

While some cases may require treatment many individuals find relief through self-care strategies like:

Staying Active Safely: Avoid activities that worsen your pain but incorporate exercises like walking or basic stretches with guidance, from your doctor or physical therapist.

Using Heat or Cold Therapy: Applying heat packs or taking a bath can help relax muscles while ice packs may reduce initial inflammation.

When you need relief from pain it’s an idea to chat with your doctor to find the over-the-counter pain relievers for short term use.

Remember stress can make pain worse. Practicing mindfulness, yoga and breathing exercises can really help alleviate discomfort.

Getting quality sleep is crucial for your body’s healing process. Aim for 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night.

Maintaining a weight through diet and exercise is important as carrying extra weight can strain your spine.

If you smoke, consider quitting as smoking can impede blood flow. Slow down healing in your body.

Don’t underestimate the benefits of therapy. Physical therapists specialize in health. Can assist you in various ways:

  • Identifying the root cause of your pain.
  • Teaching specific exercises to strengthen core muscles and improve posture.
  • Offering manual therapy and other techniques to ease discomfort.

It’s essential to seek advice if:

  • Pain is severe or not improving after day after day.
  • Your pain radiates down your leg(s) with numbness or weakness.
  • Experience loss of bowel or bladder control.
  • You have an unexplained fever along with pain.
  • You have a history of conditions, like cancer, osteoporosis or long-term steroid use.

Book an appointment:

Mobile: 8095 37 0000

Telephone: 080 2503 4444, 080 2503 4455


Remember, you’re not alone on this journey. At Svastha, we’re all about helping you regain independence and find joy in movement. Let’s walk this path together, one step at a time.