Lab & Clinical Services

Lab & Clinical Services – The department of Laboratory services at Svastha Hospitals offers quality services with minimum turnaround time. The department comprises of Histopathology, Clinical pathology, Microbiology, Serology, Biochemistry and Blood storage center. Our vision is to provide precise reports as early as possible.
To assure quality all our departments participate in internal and external quality assurance programs. Biochemistry and Microbiology are enrolled for EQAS program run by CMC, Vellore. Hematology is enrolled for EQAS program run by All India Institute of Medical Science, Delhi. Histopathology is enrolled for EQAS program run by Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai.
With the facilities available we undertakes Blood, Urine, Feces, Body fluid like Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), Peritoneal fluid (Ascitic fluid), Synovial fluid, Sputum and sweat, operated part of the body, Biopsy materials, Bone marrow and Renal calculi for analysis and reporting for effective diagnosis of diseases.
We adhere to International Quality Standards and we follow College of American Pathologist reporting for all cancer cases. All our Doctors and staffs undergo continual training and follow laboratory safety protocols.
We have a modern lab that offers various diagnostic facilities in the areas of
- Clinical Biochemistry
- Clinical Pathology
- Microbiology
- Serology
- Histopathology
- Cytopathology
- Haematology
- Metabolic disorders
- Toxicology
- Transfusion Medicine