Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation

Physiotherapy Rehabilitation – At svastha hospital, physiotherapy team involves the holistic approach to the prevention, diagnosis and therapeutic management of pain, disorders of movement (or) optimization of function to enhance the health and welfare of an individual.
Our physiotherapy team treats neuromuscular (brain and nervous system), musculoskeletal (soft tissues, joints and bones), cardiovascular and respiratory systems.
Aims of Physiotherapy
- Improve mobility and strength
- Relieve pain
- Restore physical functions
Role of Physiotherapists
- Assessment and render health decision on patients
- Prognosis and strategy
- Formulate a diagnosis
- Offer guidance within their expertise
Physiotherapy Services at Svastha Hospital
Electrotherapy uses electrical signals to interfere with the transmission of neural pain signals into the effectively slows down or distracts the message from the nerve to the can also speeds up the tissue healing where tissue damage has can be given in two forms
- TENS(Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation)
- IFT(interferential therapy)
Ultrasound Therapy
Ultrasound therapy is used to treat chronic pain and promoting tissue healing.ultrasound therapy causes mechanical vibrations from high frequency sound waves on skin and soft tissues via an aqueous medium which reduces inflammatory response.
Kinesio Taping
Kinesio taping is a therapeutic taping technique which alleviates pain and facilitates lymphatic drainage,corrects movements patterns and improves posture.It increases muscle contractility,reduces muscle fatigue and increases range of motion.
Antenatal & and Postnatal Care
Antenatal and postnatal care provides women and their families with appropriate information and advice for a healthy pregnancy ,safe childbirth,and postnatal recovery including care of the new born,advices for breastfeeding and to prevent post delivery complications.
Physical Rehabilitation
It is a process of helping a person who has suffered an illness or injury to restore lost skills and to regain maximum self sufficiency.
Types of Rehabilitation at Svastha
- Sports rehab(we train the athletes in a dedicated sports flooring inorder to ensure stability,absorb shocks,resist traction ,also reduces muscle stress and supports leg exertion).
- Post operative rehab
- Fracture rehab
- Neuro rehab
- Geriatric rehab
- Cardio pulmonary rehab