
Pulmonology – Breathing is the crux of our lives; the effects of inhalation and exhalation of air extend far beyond the basic exchange of air in and out of the body. They extend to the functioning of the heart and lungs as well as to subtle molecular processes through which the body’s energy production is maintained. We breathe with the help of the respiratory system which includes the lungs, the airways, and the respiratory muscles.
A problem with any of these will result in difficult respiratory conditions which require immediate treatment. Respiratory medicine also has improved significantly and treating respiratory disorders are much more effective now than in the past.
Pulmonologists are specialized doctors for treatment of respiratory diseases. Pulmonology is classified as an internal medicine sub-specialty as it involves a variety of clinical problems and it requires specialists to provide treatment.
The department of Pulmonary Medicine, Critical Care Medicine and Sleep Medicine at SVASTHA HOSPITAL is well-known as the leader in the diagnosis care and treatment of a wide variety of respiratory diseases and disorders. It is considered among the best SVASTHA HOSPITAL offers comprehensive diagnosis and treatment for all acute and chronic ailments for the respiratory and the pulmonary systems. Our multidisciplinary medical teams and Pulmonologists specialized in respiratory critical care work in tandem with physicians, nurses and other staff to provide care and treatment meeting international standards. As a result SVASTHA HOSPITAL is today a thriving medical centre of excellence in respiratory care and the department is equipped with a state of the art Medical Intensive Care Unit with 24 hour pulmonary care and inpatient consultation services.
In a very short span of time our Pulmonology Department has successfully treated critically ill patients with severe COPD, severe Asthma, extreme Pneumonia and ARDS with Type 1 & 2 respiratory failure with NIV and Mechanical Ventilation. Treating so many complicated cases and patients has helped our doctors develop a specialized knowledge built on experience that gives our patients the best options for treatment and care. It is no wonder that SVASTHA HOSPITAL has become the destination of choice for patients with serious lung problems. Ensuring round the clock availability of the facilities along with competent Consultant Doctors the Department of Pulmonology at Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences is the answer for any respiratory problem.
Our Services
- Outpatient clinics for evaluation and treatment of various lung conditions
- Hospital inpatient services for evaluation and treatment of various lung conditions
- Respiratory Critical Care – Emergency & Intensive care services for treatment of the critically ill
- Sleep disorders evaluation and treatment
Interventional Pulmonology
Diagnostic Flexible Video Bronchoscopy, Bronchoalveolar Lavage (BAL), Endobronchial Biopsy, Fluoroscopy guided Transbronchial Biopsy (TBLB), Transbronchial FNAC (cTBNA),Therapeutic Flexible Video Bronchoscopy & Rigid Bronchoscopy, Foreign Body Removal, Airway Stenting, Management of Malignant & Non-malignant Central airway obstructing lesion, Endobronchial Glue Therapy for Hemoptysis & Bronchopleural Fistula
- EBUS / Endobronchial Ultrasonography TBNA(planned shortly)
- CT and USG guided FNAC, Trucut Biopsy
- Ultrasound guided Pleural Aspiration, Intercostal Drainage
- Medical Thoracoscopy
Pulmonary Function Laboratory
- Spirometry (with Bronchodilator Reversibility)
- FENO (Fractional Exhaled Nitric Oxide)
- DLCO (Diffusing capacity of the Lungs for Carbon Monoxide)
- Lung Volumes
- 6 minutes walk test
- CO Check
- Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program
- Quit Smoking program
- Laboratory investigation of blood (blood tests), ABG ( Arterial Blood Gas)
- Chest X-rays
- CT scanning including LDCT (Low Dose screening CT for early lung cancer screening), HRCT, MDCT, Virtual Bronchoscopy.